A lively scene unfolded as students worked around a table, engrossed in crafting intricate clay art pieces together. Photo by Sarah Bennett.
UAA’s Student Activities presented the Pinch Pot Palooza on Feb. 26 in the Student Union Cafeteria. What is a pinch pot? The pinch pot — an ancient pottery technique persisting to today — employs a hands-on approach to mold clay. Crafters use sponges to regulate water distribution during the pot making process.
Alex Luangasa, the coordinator, commenced the event by showcasing historical images and educational resources, offering both verbal and hands-on guidance on creating personalized versions. He also shared insights from a campus art class.
Students gathered around asking questions and learning together while creating personal art. Luangasa mentioned that such events occur frequently on campus. Keep an eye out for event announcements and flyers distributed across campus.
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